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Service Keys

The key value store of Consul administrates the PLOSSYS 5 server configuration.

You can change the key via the Consul Web interface (see Consul) or via PLOSSYS CLI (see Administrate the System Configuration).



Values with size specifications are specified in the following size units:

  • bytes (B)

  • kilobytes (KB)

  • megabytes (MB)

  • gigabytes (GB)

Example - with size units

10 Megabytes: 10MB


Values with time specifications are specified in the following time units:

  • seconds (s, sec)

  • minutes (m, min)

  • hours (h, hr)

  • days (d)

  • weeks (w, wk)

  • months

  • years (y, yr)

Example - with time units

2 hours and 30 minutes: 2h30m

4 minutes and 2 seconds: 4m2s


ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS specifies the mapping of permissions to roles specified in the OIDC identity provider. For some examples, refer to Configure the PLOSSYS 5 Server.

The key is available for the seal-rest service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS

Available values: JSON string format

Default: none


AUTH_CLIENT_ID specifies the client name configured in the OIDC identity provider for retrieving the access token.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-plossysadmin

  • seal-plossyscli

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_ID
  • dc/home/env/service/plossyscli/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_ID

Available values: String

  • <client_id>


  • seal-plossyscli service: seal-plossyscli

  • seal-plossysadmin service: seal-plossysadmin


AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET specifies the client secret for retrieving the OIDC identity provider's access token.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-plossysadmin

  • seal-plossyscli

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET
  • dc/home/env/service/plossyscli/tag/any/AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET

Available values: String

  • <client_secret>

Default: not revealed


AUTH_CLOCK_TOLERANCE specifies the number of seconds allowed as time difference between the OIDC identity provider and the client.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AUTH_CLOCK_TOLERANCE

Available values: String

  • <number_seconds>

Default: 5


AUTH_DEFAULT_SESSION_DURATION specifies the duration of the default session in seconds if the OIDC identity provider does not expose the refresh_expires_in parameter in the token.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/AUTH_DEFAULT_SESSION_DURATION

Avaialble values: String

  • <number_sessions>

Default: 180


AUTH_ISSUER_URL specifies the OIDC issuer URL. This URL is configured in Keycloak for example. For more information about Keycloak used with SEAL Systems products, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

The key is available for all services.


AUTH_ISSUER_URL has to be set to the same value as ID_PROVIDER_NAME.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/AUTH_ISSUER_URL

Available values: String

  • <oidc_issuer_url>

Default: https://localhost:32769/auth/realms/SEAL


AUTH_REDIRECT_PROTOCOL specifies the transfer protocol.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AUTH_REDIRECT_PROTOCOL

Available values: String

  • http

  • https

Default: The protocol of the user interface server is used.


AUTH_REFRESH_TOLERANCE specifies the number of seconds after which a token will be refreshed when it is about to expire.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AUTH_REFRESH_TOLERANCE

Available values: String

  • <number_seconds>

Default: 5


AUTH_TYPE specifies the mode of the client authentication.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-ipp-checkin

  • seal-job-notifier

  • seal-rest

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/ipp/AUTH_TYPE
  • dc/home/env/service/job-notifier/tag/any/AUTH_TYPE
  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/AUTH_TYPE

Available values: String

  • basic

    The service accepts any authentication. This is implemented by the Basic Auth authentication.

  • oidc

    In the request the service expects a JSON Web token (JWT) which is received from an authentication via OpenID server connect.

  • oidc basic (Only available the seal-rest service.)

    Use oidc and basic concurrently.

Default: oidc

Hint - in practice

In practice, only oidc is relevant due to PLOSSYS Administrator does only work with oidc and using multiple user authentication does not make sense.


AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES specifies the languages provided to the user in the user interface, PLOSSYS Adminstrator. With the same name, a language file (<language>.json) has to exist in C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-plossysadmin\public\assets\i18n on Windows or /opt/seal/seal-plossysadmin/public/assets/i18n on Linux. Multiple languages are separated by comma.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES

Available values: String

  • <language1>,<language2> ... <languagex>

Default: de,en


CHECKIN_TIME_FROM_DB specifies whether the checkin services or the database sets the checkin time of the new output jobs. Setting by the checkin services is faster and consumes less resources. However, the database can guarantee a correct checkin time if keeping the times synchronous on all servers belonging to the cluster is impossible.

Caution - MongoDB version

Only MongoDB as of version 4.2 supports this feature!

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-checkin

  • seal-ipp-checkin

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/lpr/CHECKIN_TIME_FROM_DB
  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/ipp/CHECKIN_TIME_FROM_DB

Available values: Boolean

  • true

    The database sets the checkin time.

  • false

    The checkin services set the checkin time.

Default: false


CONFIG specifies the customized content of the CONFIG configuration file required by the SAPGOF converter.

The key is available for the SAPGOF converter.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/plossys/convert-sapgof/CONFIG

Available values: String

  • <content_config_file>

Default: none (The settings in C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\CONFIG are used.)


CONFIG_DIR specifies the name of the directory which contains the configuration of the services unless the configuration is read from Consul.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-pdfstamp

  • seal-convert-sapgof

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/<service>/any/tag/any/CONFIG_DIR

Available values: String

  • <config_dir>

Default: none (The settings are read from Consul.)


CONSUL_DOMAIN specifies the domain with which the PLOSSYS 5 services log on.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/CONSUL_DOMAIN

Available values: String

  • <domain_name>

Default: consul


CONSUL_TOKEN specifies the ACL token with which the PLOSSYS 5 services authenticate themselves to Consul.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/CONSUL_TOKEN

Available values: String

  • <token>



CONSUL_URL specifies the URL of the Consul server to which the PLOSSYS 5 services log on.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/CONSUL_URL

Available values: String

  • <consul_url>

Default: https://localhost:8500


CUSTOM_FLOW_<environment_variable> specifies the value for the environment variable <environment_variable> which is passed to the main flow processed by the seal-convert-dispatcher service.

The key is available for the seal-convert-dispatcher service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/CUSTOM_FLOW_<environment_variable>

Available values: String

  • <value>

Default: none

Example - pass COLOR set to blue

When dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/CUSTOM_FLOW_COLOR has been set to blue in Consul, the seal-convert-dispatcher service passes the COLOR environment variable with the value blue to the main flow.


ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_LOG specifies the index with which the log messages are stored in Elasticsearch.

The key is available for the seal-rest service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_LOG

Available values: String

  • <index_name>

Default: seal-plossys-5-log


ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_STATISTICS specifies the index with which the statistics messages are stored in Elasticsearch.

The key is available for the seal-rest service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_STATISTICS

Available values: String

  • <index_name>

Default: seal-plossys-5-statistics


ELASTICSEARCH_REST_URL specifies the URL of the Elasticsearch server.

The key is available for the seal-rest service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/ELASTICSEARCH_REST_URL

Available values: String

  • <elasticsearch_url>

Default: http://localhost:9200


GRIBS74_PDF_DB contains the customized content of the GRIBS74_PDF_DB configuration file required by the SAPGOF converter.

The key is available for the SAPGOF converter.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/plossys/convert-sapgof/GRIBS74_PDF_DB

Available values: String

  • <content_gribs74_pdf_db_file>

Default: none (The settings in C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-convert-sapgof\lib\initialization\config\GRIBS74_PDF_DB are used.)


HOUSEKEEPER_INTERVAL specifies the time interval after which the service is restarted. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/HOUSEKEEPER_INTERVAL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 1h


HTPASSWD specifies the valid users when basic authentication is used. The value has to accord to the format of the Apache htpasswd file. If HTPASSWD is set, HTPASSWD_FILE will be ignored.

The key is available for the seal-rest service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/HTPASSWD

Available values: String

  • <htpasswd_content>

Default: none


HTPASSWD_FILE specifies the location of the password file which contains the valid users when basic authentication is used. The content of this file has to accord to the format of the Apache htpasswd file.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-housekeeper

  • seal-ipp-checkin

  • seal-rest

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/HTPASSWD_FILE
  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/ipp/HTPASSWD_FILE
  • dc/home/env/service/rest/tag/any/HTPASSWD_FILE

Available values: String

  • <htpasswd_path>

Default: none


ID_PROVIDER_NAME specifies the name of the OIDC identity provider.

The key is available for all services.


ID_PROVIDER_NAME has to be set to the same value as AUTH_ISSUER_URL.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/ID_PROVIDER_NAME

The key is mandatory.

Available values: String

  • <id_provider_name> (For example, with Keycloak, it is a complete URL: https://<hostname>:32769/auth/realms/SEAL)

Default: none


JOB_LIFETIME_CANCELED specifies the time interval after which a job with the Canceled status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_CANCELED

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: 24h


JOB_LIFETIME_ERROR specifies the time interval after which a job with the Error status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_ERROR

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: 3d


JOB_LIFETIME_PAUSED specifies the time interval after which a job with the Paused status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_PAUSED

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: 3d


JOB_LIFETIME_PREPROCESSING specifies the time interval after which a job with the Preprocessing status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_PREPROCESSING

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: -1


JOB_LIFETIME_PROCESSED specifies the time interval after which a job with the Processed status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_PROCESSED

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: 24h


JOB_LIFETIME_PROCESSING specifies the time interval after which a job with the Processing status is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_PROCESSING

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: -1


JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING specifies the time interval after which a job waiting in a non-pickup queue is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: -1


JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING_PICKUP specifies the time interval after which a job waiting in a pickup queue is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING_PICKUP

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: 3d


JOB_LIFETIME_WAITPREPROCESSING specifies the time interval after which a job waiting for preprocessing is deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/JOB_LIFETIME_WAITPREPROCESSING

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

  • -1

    The time interval will never be reached and so the jobs never will be deleted.

Default: -1


JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT specifies how often a job will be postponed by the service in case the next service is not available for example. After exceeding the specified maximum of postponements, the job will be considered erroneous.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-dispatcher

  • seal-dispatcher

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT
  • dc/home/env/service/dispatcher/tag/any/JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT

Available values: Integer

  • <number_max_count>

    The maximum of postponements.

Default: 10


LOG_LEVEL specifies the log level for the correspondent service. Messages that correspond to this log level or a higher one are written to the log file.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/LOG_LEVEL for all services

  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/LOG_LEVEL for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • debug

    Debug messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • info

    Information messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • warn

    Warning messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • error

    Error messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • fatal

    Serious error messages are written to the log file of the service.

Default: info

Example - log level error

Messages of the log levels error and fatal are written to the log file.

Example - log level info

Messages of the log levels info, warn, error and fatal are written to the log file.


LOUNGE_TTL specifies the time interval between two transmission attempts in case of error. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-dispatcher

  • seal-dispatcher

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/LOUNGE_TTL
  • dc/home/env/service/dispatcher/tag/any/LOUNGE_TTL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 1m


LPR_ENCODING specifies the encoding of the job that is accepted or output via LPR.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-checkin

  • seal-checkout

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/lpr/LPR_ENCODING
  • dc/home/env/service/checkout/tag/any/LPR_ENCODING

Available values: String

Default: win1252


MAX_INSTANCES specifies the maximum of parallel conversions.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-pdf2ps

  • seal-convert-ps2pdf

  • seal-convert-sapgof

  • seal-ghost

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-pdf2ps/tag/any/MAX_INSTANCES
  • dc/home/env/service/convert-ps2pdf/tag/any/MAX_INSTANCES
  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapgof/tag/any/MAX_INSTANCES
  • dc/home/env/service/ghost/tag/any/MAX_INSTANCES

Available values: Integer

  • <number_instances>

Default: Number of the available CPU cores in the system


MONGO_ACTIONS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the internal system actions are stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_ACTIONS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_actions_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-actions


MONGO_ACTIONS_AGE specifies the time interval after which an action is regarded as outdated and deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/MONGO_ACTIONS_AGE

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 10m


MONGO_CONNECT_RETRIES specifies the number of attempts of a service to connect to the database.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_CONNECT_RETRIES

Available values: Integer

  • <number_retries>

Default: 10


MONGO_EVENTS_COLLECTION_SIZE specifies the size ot the capped collection used to store events in the database.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_EVENTS_COLLECTION_SIZE

Available values: String

  • <collection_size>

Default: 1MB


MONGO_EVENTS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the internal system notifications are stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_EVENTS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_events_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-events


MONGO_JOBS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the job data is stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_JOBS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_jobs_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-jobs


MONGO_LOCKS_AGE specifies the time interval after which a lock is regarded as outdated and deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/MONGO_LOCKS_AGE

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 10s


MONGO_LOCKS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the data for the system-wide locking is stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_LOCKS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_locks_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-locks


MONGO_LOCKS_INTERVAL specifies the time interval after which the ages of the locks are checked. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/MONGO_LOCKS_INTERVAL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 5s


MONGO_PREPROCESS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the flow configuration for the preprocessing is stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_PPREPROCESS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_preprocess_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-preprocess


MONGO_PRINTERS_URL specifies the URL of the database where the printer configuration is stored.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/MONGO_PRINTERS_URL

Available values: String

  • <mongo_printers_url>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/spooler-printers


NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED specifies if self-signed certificates are allowed.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED

Available values: Integer

  • 0

    Self-signed certificates are allowed.

  • 1

    Self-signed certificates are not allowed.

Default: 1

Caution - security gap

Setting NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to 0 in a productive system is a serious security gap! Only use it for test purposes!


PACER_INTERVAL specifies the time interval after which the database is searched again for jobs that have not yet been processed. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-dispatcher

  • seal-dispatcher

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/PACER_INTERVAL
  • dc/home/env/service/dispatcher/tag/any/PACER_INTERVAL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 5m

PRINT_ERROR_SHEET specifies if an error sheet is output in case of error.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-dispatcher

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-dispatcher/tag/any/PRINT_ERROR_SHEET
  • dc/home/env/service/dispatcher/tag/any/PRINT_ERROR_SHEET

Available values: String

  • Y

    An error sheet is output in case of error.

  • N

    No error sheet is output in case of error.

Default: N

Hint - default behavior has been changed

Up to version 5.0.5, an error sheet was output in case of error. As of version 5.1.0, the error sheet is not output by default but can be activated by setting PRINT_ERROR_SHEET to Y.


PRINTER_CACHE_TTL specifies the time interval after that a cached printer object expires.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-checkin

  • seal-ipp-checkin

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/lpr/PRINTER_CACHE_TTL
  • dc/home/env/service/checkin/tag/ipp/PRINTER_CACHE_TTL

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 5m


REST_BASE_URL specifies the address of the PLOSSYS REST API.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/REST_BASE_URL

Available values: String

  • <rest_url>

Default: https://localhost:8080


REST_VERSION specifies the version of the URL suffix of the PLOSSYS REST API.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/REST_VERSION

Available values: String

  • <version>

Default: v3


SAP_JOBNOTIFY_TIMEOUT specifies the timeout for sending job notifications to SAP. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-job-notifier service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/job-notifier/tag/any/SAP_JOBNOTIFY_TIMEOUT

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 60s


SAP_JOBNOTIFY_WAITTIME specifies the time after which the final status notification is replied to SAP. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/SAP_JOBNOTIFY_WAITTIME

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 15m


SAPNWRFCINI_PATH specifies the directory where the SAP configuration file sapnwrfc.ini is stored. The key has to be set if notifications are to be returned to the requesting SAP Systems.

The key is available for the seal-job-notifier service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/job-notifier/tag/any/SAPNWRFCINI_PATH

Available values: String

  • <path>


  • Windows: C:/ProgramData/SEAL Systems/PLOSSYS/config

  • Linux: /opt/seal/etc


SERVICE_DISCOVERY specifies if PLOSSYS 5 is running in an on-premise installation or in a cloud environment. In the cloud environment, the configuration is not read from Consul but from files or the environment.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/SERVICE_DISCOVERY

Available values: String

  • cloud

    PLOSSYS 5 is running in a cloud environment.

  • consul

    PLOSSYS 5 is running in an on-premise installation.

Default: consul


SERVICE_URL specifies how a service can be accessed.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/<service>/tag/any/SERVICE_URL for the specific <service> service

Available values: String

  • <service_url>

Default: The server name is determined when a service is started and the default port is used. The correspondent assignment is described in Used Ports.


SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT specifies the timeout after which the socket is forced closed after sending a spool file to the printer unless the printer closes the connection. The time interval has to be specified as the number of milliseconds to wait. For disabling the forced closing, specify 0.

The key is available for the seal-checkout service.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkout/tag/any/SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT

Available values: Integer

  • <time_interval>

Default: 0


SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_IS_JOB_ERROR specifies if the job status is set to error after the socket has been forced closed.

The key is available for the seal-checkout service.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/checkout/tag/any/SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_IS_JOB_ERROR

Available values: Boolean

  • true

    The job status is set to error after the socket has been forced closed.

  • false

    The job status is not set to error after the socket has been forced closed.

Default: false


SWEEP_AGE specifies the time interval after which an incomplete job is regarded as incorrect and deleted from the database. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the seal-housekeeper service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/housekeeper/tag/any/SWEEP_AGE

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 10m


SYSTEMS specifies the list of SAP systems whose output jobs are to be stamped. The value is a multiline text containing one system name in each line.

The key is available for the seal-convert-dispatcher service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/plossys/sapgof/stamp/SYSTEMS

Available values: Multiline string

  • <system1> |

    <system2> |



Default: none


TEMPLATE specifies the stamp layout for the SAP output jobs.

The key is available for the seal-convert-pdfstamp service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/plossys/sapgof/stamp/TEMPLATE

Available values: String

  • <template_file>

Default: The default layout of PDF Stamp is used. For more information about PDF Stamp, refer to the PDF Stamp documentation.


TEMPLATE specifies the stamp text for the SAP output jobs. In the text, variables can be specified.

The key is available for the seal-convert-pdfstamp service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/plossys/sapgof/stamp/TEXT

Available values: String

  • <stamp_text>

Default: The default stamp text of PDF Stamp is used. For more information about PDF Stamp, refer to the PDF Stamp documentation.


TIMEOUT specifies the time interval after which a conversion is aborted if it has not generated any new data. The time interval has to be specified including the unit. The available units are listed at the top of the page.

The key is available for the following services:

  • seal-convert-pdf2ps

  • seal-convert-ps2pdf

  • seal-convert-sapgof

  • seal-convert-pdfstamp

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-pdf2ps/tag/any/TIMEOUT
  • dc/home/env/service/convert-ps2pdf/tag/any/TIMEOUT
  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapgof/tag/any/TIMEOUT
  • dc/home/env/service/convert-pdfstamp/tag/any/TIMEOUT

Available values: String

  • <time_interval_and_unit>

Default: 2m


TLS_DIR specifies the directory containing the certificate files necessary for the secure transfer between the clients and servers and within PLOSSYS 5.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/TLS_DIR

Available values: String

  • <dir_name>

The directory contains the following files:

  • key.pem

    File with the private key

  • cert.pem

    File with the certificate

  • ca.pem

    File with the CA certificate

Default: none

Hint - certificate files contained in delivery

The self-signed certificates contained in delivery are hard-coded. The tls directories contained in delivery only contain examples which certificate files are required and how they look like.


TLS_PADIR specifies the directory containing the certificate files necessary for secure transfer with PLOSSYS Administrator.

The key is available for the seal-plossysadmin service.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/plossysadmin/tag/any/TLS_PADIR

Available values: String

  • <dir_name>

The directory contains the following files:

  • key.pem

    File with the private key

  • cert.pem

    File with the certificate

  • ca.pem (optional)

    File with the CA certificate

Default: none

Hint - certificate files contained in delivery

The self-signed certificates contained in delivery are hard-coded. The tls directories contained in delivery only contain examples which certificate files are required and how they look like.


TLS_UNPROTECTED specifies the encryption between the PLOSSYS 5 services.

The key is available for all services.

In Consul, the key is specified here:

  • dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/TLS_UNPROTECTED

Available values: String

  • none

    All connections are encrypted via HTTPS.

  • loopback

    The local connections are not encrypted. The connections between different servers are encrypted via HTTPS.

Default: loopback

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