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The update steps divided in the ones for the management server and the ones for the PLOSSYS 5 server.

Hint - no Internet access

If the server on which you want to update the components does not have Internet access, use another server with Internet access for logging on to the SEAL Systems delivery platform and downloading the folder and packages. Then, copy the downloaded files to the server on which you want to update.

Notes Concerning the Update from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0

  • With PLOSSYS 5.1.0, the directory structure of the installation has been changed. Therefore, it is required to execute some manually steps before and after the update, refer to Manually Steps Before Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0 and Manually Steps After Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0.

  • When updating to PLOSSYS 5.1.0 and using easyPRIMA as of version 1.3.1, the package has to be installed with easyPRIMA. Otherwise, the export from easyPRIMA to PLOSSYS 5 does not work and the 500 SSL negotiation failed error message is output to the logfile of easyPRIMA (edc.log).

    Hint - stop the system

    Before installing the package, stop the system and all Perl processes completely (sysstop -full). Otherwise, the Perl environment will break.

  • Up to version 5.0.5, an error sheet was output in case of error. As of version 5.1.0, the error sheet is not output by default but can be activated by setting PRINT_ERROR_SHEET to Y. The PRINT_ERROR_SHEET environment variable is available as of version 5.1.0.

Notes Concerning the Update from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1

The Consul service has been replaced by a newer incompatible version. Therefore, the system configuration has to be exported before the update and imported again after the update, refer to Manually Steps Before Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1 and Manually Steps After Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1.

In MongoDB, a shared replica set has to be configured, refer to Configure MongoDB in a Cluster for the cluster mode or Configure a Shared Replica Set and Initialize the Database (Only for Single Server Mode) for the single server mode.

Some services have been replaced by other services or have become obsolete and have to be removed manually after updating, refer to Manually Steps After Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1.

Update the Management Server

Caution - SEAL Elastic Stack incompatible to seal-elk

SEAL Elastic Stack contains the new version of Elasticsearch and Kibana and replaces seal-elk. Before installing SEAL Elastic Stack, you have to uninstall seal-elk:

  • RHEL:

    sudo yum --assumeyes remove seal-elk
  • SLES:

    sudo zypper --non-interactive remove seal-elk
  1. In a browser, log on to the SEAL Systems delivery platform with your logon data:

    Hint - logon data

    You receive the logon data from your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems.

  2. Download the SEAL Elastic Stack {{ SEAL_SLASTICSTACK_VERSION }} - rpm folder. It is saved as SEAL Elastic Stack -

  3. Extract SEAL Elastic Stack -

    unzip "SEAL Elastic Stack -"
  4. Change into the SEAL Elastic Stack - rpm/server directory and install the server-related packages contained there:

    cd "SEAL Elastic Stack - rpm/server"
    sudo sh
  5. Download seal-bos2gyros-1.0.31-431.x86_64.rpm.

  6. Install seal-boy2gyros:

    • RHEL:

      sudo yum --assumeyes install seal-bos2gyros-1.0.31-431.x86_64.rpm
    • SLES:

      sudo zypper --non-interactive install seal-bos2gyros-1.0.31-431.x86_64.rpm

Manually Steps Before Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0

With PLOSSYS 5.1.0, the directory structure of the installation has been changed. Therefore, it is required to execute some manually steps before and after the update.

  1. Stop the PLOSSYS 5 system completely:

    plossys service stop
  2. Create the new directories and copy the old contents to the new locations:

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/seal/etc
    sudo cp -a /opt/seal/plossys/etc/* /opt/seal/etc
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/seal/data
    sudo cp -a /opt/seal/plossys/data/* /opt/seal/data
    sudo find /opt/seal/etc -type f -exec sed -i "s|/opt/seal/plossys/|/opt/seal/|g" "{}" \;
    sudo ln -fs /opt/seal/etc/mongod.conf /etc/mongod.conf
  3. Uninstall seal-filebeat:

    • RHEL:

      sudo yum --assumeyes remove seal-filebeat
    • SLES:

      sudo zypper --non-interactive remove seal-filebeat
  4. When using MongoDB in a cluster, you have to update MongoDB as described in the MongoDB documentation:

    1. Upgrade all secondary members of the replica set one by one.

    2. Step down the primary server by connecting to the mongo shell and calling:

    3. Upgrade the primary member of the replica set.

    4. Enable the backwards-incompatible 3.6 features by connecting to the mongo shell and calling:

      db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" } )

Manually Steps Before Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1

With PLOSSYS 5.1.0, the Consul service has been replaced by a newer incompatible version. Therefore, the system configuration has to be exported before the update and imported again after the update.

  1. Save the system configuration:

    plossys config export <config_save_filename>
  2. Remove the Consul data directory:


Update the PLOSSYS 5 Server

  1. In a browser, log on to the SEAL Systems delivery platform with your logon data:

    Hint - logon data

    You receive the logon data from your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems.

  2. Download the PLOSSYS - rpm folder. It is saved as PLOSSYS -

  3. Extract PLOSSYS -

    unzip "PLOSSYS -"
  4. Change to the PLOSSYS 5 - - rpm directory and start the installation of the packages contained there:

    cd "PLOSSYS 5 - - rpm"
    sudo sh
  5. Download the SEAL Elastic Stack {{ SEAL_SLASTICSTACK_VERSION }} - rpm folder. It is saved as SEAL Elastic Stack -

  6. Extract SEAL Elastic Stack -

    unzip "SEAL Elastic Stack -"
  7. Change into the SEAL Elastic Stack - rpm/client directory and install the client-related packages contained there:

    cd "SEAL Elastic Stack - rpm/client"
    sudo sh

Manually Steps After Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0

With PLOSSYS 5.1.0, the directory structure of the installation has been changed. Therefore, it is required to execute some manually steps before and after the update.

  1. Stop the PLOSSYS 5 system completely:

    plossys service stop
  2. Adjust the configuration files in the /opt/seal/etc directory according to the settings in the old configuration files and delete the *.rpmnew files afterwards:

    sudo rm /opt/seal/etc/*.rpmnew
  3. Remove the previous installation directory:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/seal/plossys
  4. Start the PLOSSYS 5 system:

    plossys service start

Manually Steps After Updating the PLOSSYS 5 Server from 5.1.0 to 5.2.1

With PLOSSYS 5.2.1, the Consul service has been replaced by a newer incompatible version. The system configuration exported before updating has to be re-imported.

  1. Import the exported system configuration:

    plossys config import <config_save_filename>

With PLOSSYS 5.2.1, the following services have been replaced by other services or have become obsolete and have to be removed manually after updating:

  • seal-pdf2ps
  • seal-pdfstamp
  • seal-ps2pdf
  • seal-router
  • seal-sapgof

Open a shell and execute the following call for each service:

sudo rpm -e <service_name>

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